Welcome to The Programming Corner

I am not a professional blogger; far from it. What I am is a man who was fortunate enough to find something he was REALLY passionate about and was able to do it for a living. It sounds really, really corny. But, that is the truth. My journey wasn't without obstacles. Along the way, I lost sight of that passion and my dream of doing something I love for a living was delay. And, many years later, here I am. Better late than never.

I discovered the field of Software Engineering and Computer Science in the early 90's while serving in the United States Army. One of my soldiers was given a directive to work on fixing the software on a prototype system my unit just gotten. As a supervisor, I felt it was important to gain factual knowledge of what this soldier was doing so I could evaluate his performance fairly. I starting sitting down with him to obtain this knowledge and I was blown away by the world of software. It was then when I decided I wanted to do that for a living.

I let many things getting in the way of my goals, it wasn't until 12 years later before I graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering. Then a Masters in Software Engineering. Now, doctoral studies are in a hiatus. Teaching and working takes too much of my time (Am I letting things get in the way again?).  Even if I never finish my PhD, I have another passion: teaching. I currently teach part-time at Texas Wesleyan University. I have been doing this since 2008. But, just recently, I thought I need to do more.

I just started a YouTube channel (https://goo.gl/UtA0Ml), and decided to give blogging another chance (I have written about 3 more blogs under my personal Blogger account). I would like to reach kids that might have a curiosity about Computer Science. I want the younger generation to know how really cool and "kick-ass" this field really is. I think Computer Science in general often get a bad reputation for being "boring" mostly because some of us tend to be a bit socially-challenged.

What I hope to accomplish with this blog is to write about my experiences as an educator and professional software developer in order to educate other in proper software development techniques. Since I am not perfect, I hope that you leave me constructive feedback, positive or negative, so that I could get better at blogging and also so that I could provide a better service to those who might decide to stop by my blog hoping to learn and improve themselves in this ever-changing world of software.


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